Jul 11, 2011

Susan, guest photographer

I have this adorable child, but I get so caught up in her sweetness that I often forget to take pictures.  This weekend, my best friend from Texas came to visit.  We lived together for 2 years in Bangkok several years ago, and before that at seminary.  She is quite the photographer, so I have LOTS of lovely pics of our time. 
Susan and Lucy

Susan, me, Lucy, Jana, and Micheal
We were joined by Jana and Michael--Jana, Susan and I lived in a "lovely" roach-infested house and worked with refugee neighbors in Texas.  (Funny side-note:  Bonnie Freeman (now Myers) lived there before us, battling roaches and befriending new citizens... She and her husband are adopting two beautiful Ethiopian babies and they stopped by last week.  We took a similar bookshelf pic... you can see it at http://teammyersathome.blogspot.com/2011/07/cincy.html.  Bonnie:  Jana says HI!  :)

I don't think all the cute-ness can be contained by one post, but I'll give you a sneak peak... We went swimming one day....

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