There are so many things that happen every day that I just want to capture in a bubble in my mind so I can remember them. I wish I had a superspy camera... If I did, here are a few things I'd like to have caught TODAY:
- When I walk carrying Lucy, usually my left arm and her right arm are free... I swing my left arm while I walk, and she has started swinging her right one in solidarity. I just giggle every time.
- In the cart at Target, she said, "I dopt phone!" (I dropped the phone). I looked, and she had dropped her play phone into the cart. Putting together sentences--what a BIG GIRL!
- She LOVES babies... singing, rocking and feeding her babies is a big job every day. Today I put a safety latch into the cart that had a tiny picture of a baby's face. Lucy gently picked up this safety latch and rocked it while she sang iy a little lullaby. Melt my heart--she's so sweet!
- Lucy lost a shoe in Target's parking lot. I strapped her in and went back a few feet for it. As I walked back to her open car door, the other shoe came flying out! It was really funny to see this little white shoe rocket out the door!
- When she walks backwards, she really thinks she's pretty cool. It's a slow little backwards shuffle, but with a lot of barely-pent-up excitement and pride. Wide eyes looking all around to make sure someone is catching it. Today she backed up trying to sit on a big ball. It kept moving, so she kept backing. By the end, we were both laughing so hard. I started laughing at her, and then she thought that was SO funny :)
I love hearing Lucy stories!!! Reagan walks backwards and thinks she pretty big stuff when she does it.... I love those days.